Tuesday 3 May 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Our preliminary task was filmed with fresh ideas, in a restaurant, which was later also meant to become our chosen location for our main task.  From day one we have liked the idea of a sort of gangster/mafia type of film, so we did that for our preliminary task, we learnt about the high importance of having certain rules to filming, such as 180 degree rule, the high importance of sticking to the drawn storyboards, and many more. Over the progression up to making our final piece, we sometimes forgot to incorporate or follow some basic rules of filming, this led us to go back and film again, and each time we would achieve a better result, we always progressed and it always led the group to better ideas and progress. We have also progressed in editing a lot, we have seen a high amount of editing tutorials, mainly from VideoCoPilot, this is s website with hundreds of tutorials which we watched and tried to incorporate into our final piece, most were not suitable, but we could take some ideas from them. The preliminary task was mainly covering the "basics" of filming, for our final piece we had learnt a lot more about the production and editing of a film opening sequence and therefore it was more advanced. We also used a wider range of equipment when compared to our preliminary task; this included all of the equipment listed here, more advanced equipment was used, 22" gold & silver reflectors for light management, a TP-1700 CamLink tripod and a Sony HD Handicam. To conclude, we have learnt both good and bad things since the production of our preliminary task, that sometimes things do not work out as planned, and that most of the time, with planning and research, things will work out as planned.

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